WFP Jordan Country Brief, April 2022 - Jordan | ReliefWeb

2022-05-29 20:36:39 By : Ms. Cherry Tao

462,836 refugees assisted through cash-based transfers

1,685 beneficiaries benefited from livelihood activities

USD 116.1 m six months net funding requirements (May - October 2022)

In April, WFP provided food assistance to around 463,000 vulnerable refugees residing in camps and host communities through cash-based transfers. Most refugees come from Syria, with a minority from Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and other countries.

In April, school feeding activities were suspended due to the holy month of fasting, Ramadan. Feeding activities will resume from May in Za’atari and Azraq camps and in communities.

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief) donated 650 MT of dates for distribution to vulnerable refugees and Jordanians. WFP will start the distribution through partners once the Government of Jordan completes the testing and approval processes.

WFP is exploring expanding the new school feeding model to Ma’an Governorate in the south. The model was launched in South Shoneh and Madaba directorates distributing cheese sandwich, fruit and a vegetable four days per week and date bars one day.

WFP has finalized the first draft of the social and behaviour change communication (SBCC) research report. The detailed review will lead to an SBCC nutrition strategy for women of reproductive age as well as pregnant and lactating women.

WFP continued to support the National Aid Fund (NAF), the Government programme that provides cash assistance to 120,000 vulnerable Jordanian families in 2022; WFP conducted 38,000 physical home visits and 20,000 virtual visits through its service providers, Mindset and IPSOS allowing NAF to validate the eligibility of 58,000 households in April. WFP also provided financial literacy information sessions on how to open and administer e-wallets and/or basic bank accounts to around 4,000 families.

Jointly with the World Bank, WFP reviewed the complaints and handling mechanism (CHM) processes of the NAF cash assistance programme and modified the CHM tool to meet applicants’ needs.

Within the scope of the Memorandum of Understanding with MoSD on capacity strengthening support for the shock responsive social protection (SRSP) and emergency preparedness, WFP hosted a joint scoping mission of a multi-functional team from the Regional Bureau (RBC). The objectives of the joint exercise included assessments of the SRSP landscape in Jordan and the opportunities to enhance the SRSP.

WFP recruited a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) specialist for the National Centre for Security and Crisis Management as part of its technical support. This specialist will assist in developing a risk monitoring and impact analysis platform based on WFP’s corporate tool, the Platform for Real-time Impact and Situation Monitoring.

Under WFP’s support to small-holder farmers provided in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), 65 smallholder farmers have started the construction of water harvesting tanks to increase water-use efficiency and production in their farms.

Funded by the European Union (EU-MADAD), WFP and the MoA, in cooperation with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), continued to enhance resilient livelihoods and food security of host communities and Syrian refugees in Jordan. In April, 186 participants (64 percent women and 31 percent refugees) were supported by increasing access to short-term employment opportunities in seedling activities, forestry and rangeland. Participants received their entitlements for April through ewallets after receiving financial inclusion information sessions at the start of the project.

WFP, in collaboration with MoA and UN WOMEN, launched a new short-term project to establish seedling stations in Zarqa, Madaba, Amman and Balqa cities. The project aims to increase access to short term jobs for over 160 Syrian women from Al-Azraq camp and 70 Jordanian women from the surrounding of this camp.

WFP launched a study with its partner IPSOS to understand macro-economic and trade effects on Jordan due to the Ukraine emergency and other global supply chain issues.